Identification of wood-inhabiting Aphyllophorales in pure culture

Author: J.A. Stalpers
Details: 248pp., paperback, 1978

A descriptive analytical key is given of about 550 species of wood-inhabiting Aphyllophorales classified in the families Auriscalpiaceae, Bondarzewiaceae, Coniophoraceae, Corticiaceae, Echinodontiaceae, Fistulinaceae, Ganodermataceae, Hericiaceae, Hymenochaetaceae, Lachnocladiaceae, Polyporaceae, Punctulariaceae, Schizophyllaceae, Sparassidaceae and Stereaceae. Each species is characterized by a numerical code referring to 96 characters or circumscribed parts of characters. The species codes can be transferred to punch cards and thus the system can be easily used as a synoptic key. As main differentiating characters the distribution of clamp connections and the occurrence of laccase, skeletal hyphae, interlocking hyphae and cuticular cells are used. Seven groups are distinguished which are keyed out separately. About 1100 strains have been tested on the presence of enzymes with 7 different tests. The reactions with α-naphthol (on laccase), p-cresol (on tyrosinase) and pyrogallol and H2O2 (on peroxidase) proved to be useful for taxonomic purposes. The taxonomic position of some species much alike in culture but classified in different groups has been discussed. Hapalopilus rutilans, H, croceus, Tyromyces amarus, T. fissilis, Poria salmonicolor and P. mutans are closely related and should not be placed in three different genera. Globifomes graveolens, Haploporus cytisinus and Trametes robiniophila are closer to Ganoderma than several other species classified in the Ganodermataceae. The separation of Laricifomes officinalis from Fomitopsis and of Buglossoporus pulvinus from Piptoporus is supported by cultural characters. Peniophora gigantea seems to be closer to Meruliopsis than to Phanerochaete. Special attention has been paid to the imperfect states encountered in this study.