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Every peer-reviewed research article appearing in this journal will be published open access. This means that the article is universally and freely accessible via the internet in perpetuity, in an easily readable format immediately after publication.


To submit a manuscript to Studies in Mycology please adhere to the following:

  1. Manuscript body text should be processed in Microsoft Word; tables (Microsoft Excel), legends (Microsoft Word) and illustrations (tif or psd with layers included). Note: See 12 below for further instructions regarding illustrations. Missing data in tables should be indicated with an emdash for missing, or n/d (not determined) or n/a (not available), depending on the type of missing data.
  2. A cover letter which clearly states the name and address of the person with whom the Executive Editor should correspond, and which confirms that: (a) all named authors have agreed to publication of the work; and (b) the manuscript does not infringe any personal or other copyright or property rights. The Declaration of Interest should also be stated.
  3. If the manuscript references papers which are "in press", copies should be included for the benefit of the referees.
  4. The content should be set out as follows: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results or Taxonomy, Discussion, Acknowledgements and References. Key words and a Running Head should also be provided.
  5. British-English is preferred, and used for all non-article material. Authors of articles can use American-English, provided that it is consistent within their contributions.Words of non-English origin, like bona fide, comb. nov., fide, f. sp., ibid., in vitro, in situ, prima facie, sensu, sensu lato (stricto), sp. nov., should be placed in italics, together with plant and fungal scientific names of any rank (e.g. Ascomycota, Dothideales, Mycosphaerellaceae, Mycosphaerella nubilosa, Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata). The use of either "Culture characteristics" or "Cultural characteristics” is allowed, but the style must be consistent within a single paper.
  6. Common abbreviations are as follows: h, min, s, mL, L, mg/L, °C, Fig., Figs, d, wk, mo, but also ITS, RPD, RFLP, rDNA, 18S etc. When a number is used in text as an adjective, thousands should be separated by spaces, e.g. 1 000 plants, and millions indicated with a capital M, e.g. 10 M generations. Similarly, if a number is less than 10 it should be written out, e.g. five plants versus 15 animals. Citation of nomenclatural authorities for taxa should follow the list of authors' names, see Journal abbreviations in the text (species synonymies, descriptions, etc.) should follow B-P-H and B-P-H/S (Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum/Supplementum). Subspecies and formae speciales should be abbreviated as subsp. and f. sp. respectively.
  7. Experimental procedures must be reproducible and must follow Good Cultural Practice (Mycological Research 106: 1378-1379), with sequences lodged at one of the partners of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (i.e. the DNA DataBank of Japan (DDBJ), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), or GenBank at NCBI). These sequence accession numbers must be mentioned in a Table (linked to published papers from which they were retrieved), along with material/cultures examined. Alignments and phylogenetic trees should be deposited in TreeBASE, voucher specimens in a recognized fungarium (Index Herbariorum or World Directory of Collections and Cultures of Microorganisms acronym; accompanying ex-type and other cultures in CBS and other culture collections. Taxonomic novelties (MB number) and typification events (MBT number) should be deposited in MycoBank after acceptance of the paper (see
  8. Collections must be cited as: Material(s) examined: Country, location, substratum, date (e.g. 10 Jul. 1993), collector (e.g. B. Dylan & L. Cohen), FUNGARIUM (acronym according to Index Herbariorum), holotype, culture ex-type CBS xxx. (thus only country and type indications in bold face; all calendar months to be abbreviated to the first three letters followed by a full stop, except for May). “Material(s) examined” is preferred to “Specimen(s) examined”, but the style must be consistent within a single volume.
  9. Details of type materials should appear separate from Material(s) examined under the heading Typus:
  10. Reference citation in text: References in the text should be chronological, and given in the following form: "Smith & Jones (1965) have shown ...", or, "some authors (Zabetta 1928, Taylor & Palmer 1970, Zabetta 1970, De Hoog & Gerrits van den Ende 1998) consider that ...". The names of collaborating authors are joined by an ampersand (&). Where there are three or more authors, names should be cited by the first name only, adding "et al.", e.g. "Bowie, Black & White (1964)" are given as "Bowie et al. (1964)" or "(Bowie et al. 1964)". Where authors have published more than one work in a year, to which reference is made, they should be distinguished by placing a, b, etc. immediately after the date, based on their alphabetical order in the reference list, e.g. "Dylan (1965a, b)". Reference citations in text should be in ascending order of year first, followed by authors' names. In the References section, citations should be strictly alphabetical, with papers having the same authors arranged according to date. Each reference should include the full title of the paper and unabbreviated journal name, volume number, and the final as well as the first page number. In the case of chapters in books, the names of editors, first and last page numbers of the articles, publisher and place of publication are needed. References with more than three authors, should list the first three authors, followed by "et al."

Examples for publications, books and dissertations (note that the en-dash symbol is used for ranges; plant and fungal scientific names of any rank mentioned in the book title remains in italics, e.g. Banksia, Grevillea and the other Proteaceae of Western Australia):

  • Black JA, Taylor JE (1999a). Article title. Studies in Mycology 13: 1−10. (journal italics, volume number in bold, en-dash to indicate range).
  • Black JA, Taylor JE (1999b). Article title. Mycological Research: In press.
  • Black JA, Taylor JE, White DA (1981). Chapter title. In: Book title (Seifert S, Seifert KA, eds). Press, Country: 11−30.
  • Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Mansilla JP, et al. (2006c). Phylogenetic reassessment of Mycosphaerella spp. and their anamorphs occurring on Eucalyptus. II. Studies in Mycology 55: 99−131.
  • De Hoog GS, Gerrits van den Ende AHG (1998). Molecular diagnostics of clinical strains of filamentous Basidiomycetes. Mycoses 41: 183–189.
  • Simpson H, Seifert KA (2000). Book title. 2nd edn. Press, Country.
  • White DA (2001). Dissertation title. Ph.D. dissertation. Department, University, Country.

Examples for software, online databases, and online articles:

  • EPPO home page (2015). About the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). <>.
  • Farr DF, Rossman AY, Palm ME, et al. (2008). Fungal databases, systematic mycology and microbiology laboratory, ARS, USDA. <>. Accessed on 18 December 2018.
  • Oksanen J, Blanchet FG, Kindt R, et al. (2013). Vegan: community ecology package. R package version 2.0-7. <>.
  • Revkin AC (2014). Can Congress Act to Block Fungal Threat to U.S. Amphibians? The New York Times. 31 October 2014. <
  • Only book titles in italics (use a simple colon before the page number), all other information in Roman letters. Journals abbreviated according to Hunt.
  • Insert a space after the volume number with colon.

Instruction for the illustrations

  • Illustrations: Illustrations must be submitted in digital form. Line drawings and half tone pictures should be submitted as tif or psd files, never as MS Powerpoint or Adobe PDF files. Phylogenetic trees can be submitted as MS Powerpoint or Adobe Illustrator files, and NOT as MS Word files, images or images pasted into MS Powerpoint slides. Fonts in phylogenetic trees are restricted to Arial, Times or Times New Roman, with the minimum font size 8 or 10 points. Lines should be at least 1 point thick, and the tree must fit A4 format (multi-page trees allowed, but trees should then be divided across multiple pages with arrows linking the parts. Very long branches can be shortened but the factor used for shortening should then be indicated on that branch, e.g. 2x for the branch which was halved). Half tones at 300 dpi or higher, and line drawings at 600 dpi or higher.
  • Fonts and lines on photoplates:
  • size of complete plate: 18 cm wide and max. 26.2 cm high; resolution 300 or higher dpi (300 dpi alone is sufficient for a plate of 18 x 26.2 cm)
  • separate pictures should be in RGB with a resolution of at least 300 dpi;
  • scale bars: place = bottom right hand side corner; thickness; 6 pixels, 2 mm up and 2 mm to the left of the corner;
  • letters: place = bottom left hand side corner; 2 mm up and 2 mm to the right of the corner;
  • font = Arial regular capital, size 12 pixels. 
  • thickness of white lines separating the pictures: 15 pixels
  • Please submit the photoplate as a psd file with unflattened layers (never as an Adobe PDF file)
  • Fonts for labelling drawings: Arial regular capital

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